Chateau Verdignan

Bordeaux, France


          About Chateau Verdignan

Sustainably Farmed

The family originated from Tarn et Garonne and moved to Portets in the Graves region, before Bordeaux. They were known as wine brokers. The first to start out in the profession was Elie, appointed as a Royal Broker by letter patent in 1793 (source: departmental library).

The brokerage firm of the same name began only in 1818 (source: family history). Successive generations went on to work in the profession without interruption. Jean Miailhe was the last to earn his living from this activity, before stopping in 1970.

The first member of the Miailhe family to become a winemaker in the middle of the 19th century was Frédéric (Château Siran), by a happy coincidence in his private life: his marriage.

Later, during the major winemaking crises from the 1920s through to the 1950s, his two sons Louis and Edouard complemented their brokerage work by investing in other Médoc wines.

After the sale of Pichon Contesse by May Eliane de Lencquesaing (Edouard’s daughter), the last winemaker in this family line was his nephew Edouard Miailhe, at Siran.

In 1924, Louis bought Coufran and only his son Jean stayed in winemaking to follow on from him in Saint Seurin-de-Cadourne. He then had the opportunity to take over the neighbouring Château, Verdignan, in two phases, in 1972 then 1975.

Since the 80s, his two children Marie Cécile Vicaire and Eric Miailhe have taken over.